Connecting Nurses Worldwide


About Us

Introducing Me

Introductions can be a bit daunting sometimes, but at least I can start with the simplest of things –

Hello, my name is Bintu. I am a nurse.

And I know our time is precious, so I’ll try to keep this short and sweet.

How can we help you?

Become Confident in Your Nursing

Imposter Syndrome is alive and kicking! I’ve seen even the most senior nurses second guessing themselves on the simplest of things. Why? 

The truth of the matter is that we can’t know everything, but it would be helpful if we were certain that we knew the basics that all nurses should know, right? 

Learn About the World of Nursing

Have you ever wondered about nursing in other countries? Maybe you had touched on it whilst researching about travel nursing or you were thinking about volunteering in another country. Either way, you may have noticed that the nursing process varies from country to country. It makes sense, but it might have left you feeling curious. 

What is the application process like? How much do they get paid? What resources and knowledge do others have that can be transferred and provide safer, more effective nursing worldwide? 

The Goal


The goal of this blog is simple:

'To provide nurses and aspiring nurses with focused information and resources to aid them to become confident in their abilities, whilst providing a safe space for nurses from across the globe to connect.' 



The goal of this blog is simple:

'To provide nurses and aspiring nurses with focused information and resources to aid them to become confident in their abilities, whilst providing a safe space for nurses from across the globe to connect.' 


What will the Blog contain?

Each month we plan to post a range of straight-to-the-point essential nursing knowledge, tips and tricks that will allow you, my readers, to become confident in your basic nursing abilities and potential.  


This blog will feature the opportunity to sign up for FREE and create your intuYou profile which will become your gateway to socialising with nurses from around the world, learning and offering your own advice about their stories and stresses, or just connecting with people who have similar interests.  

Nurse of the Moment

Discover the ‘Nurse of the Moment’ section where a selected nurse (including student nurses) will have a designated post just for them. They don’t have to be a rare, elite nurse with a whirlwind of achievements, but if they have moved you in any way then just submit a short reason why (as well as any appealing pictures that they won’t mind being posted) for a chance for them to be featured! And there will be a special reward for anybody who receives over a certain number of submissions.  


Keep an eye out on the ‘Stories’ section where I’ll be posting stories of my own experiences, or short nursing stories sent by readers via the submissions box linked above.  


Check out the ‘Gallery’ where you can find photos of my journey, including visits to hospitals in as many countries as possible, nursing events and refreshing scenery. 

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